Friday, 22 August 2014

The semi-permanent Eyebrow Tattoo!

Hey guys~!!
It’s been such a long time~
Today’s post is going to be about an eyebrow tattoo!

You should probably know by now that it is trending in China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea. Currently many eyebrow tattoo artists are invited for beauty seminars in many different countries.
In today’s post I will be introducing one of the amazing tattoo artists in Korea. Her name is Ahn Hee Sung, the owner of the fancy semi - permanent Shop in Myung Dong. She also has a shop near Ehwa Women’s University.
Currently a lot of Chinese visit the shop for the surgery, which makes it really hard for Koreans to book their places. Perhaps this is a syndrome caused by the beautiful Jeon Ji Hyun, LOL

Mrs. Ahn Hee Sung’s shop is called The Yeppen Nunsseop (meaning ‘pretty eyebrows’) and it is located in Myung Dong.
The customer you see in pictures below is from China. Yes, I met a lot of Chinese in this shop. Thank goodness I know how to speak Chinese, we ended up having a fun interview session^^

So the left eyebrow is how it looked like before and the right one is how it looks like after the surgery. (Surprisingly she has done it once before in China…)
Now we can definitely see the difference! We all know how annoying it is to draw our eyebrows every morning! She must be so happy after the surgery.

The process of eyebrow tattooing is pretty simple. First, using the eyebrow pencil, they draw the lines to get the desired shape and then they fill it in with the tattoo machine.  

One amazing fact about Mrs. Ahn is that while the others take an hour, she only takes around 15 minutes! Although she took around an hour to set the shape of the eyebrow, the whole tattooing process was 15 minutes only.
In fact it is known that if you do the surgery for a long time, your skin will be very sensitive, and as the effect of anesthetic slowly disappears, the customer might feel the pain. One more thing is that if you take a long time doing the surgery, it could affect the recovery time as well. Now Mrs. Ahn definitely prevents all these problems, which makes her much more awesome!

So this is how it looks like in the end :D

The straight eyebrows are now trending in Korea. This is because the arch-shaped eyebrows could make you look older. Few more tips are that if your eyebrows are too thick, you might look a little dull while on the other hand if it is too thin, you might look old. But this differs from person to person so we suggest you find the best eyebrow shape for yourselves!

The Yeppen Nunsseop (The Pretty Eyebrows Shop) is located in
Seoul Junggu Myeong Dong – 2Ga UNESCO Center No.406

They also provide many other different surgery options such as eyeliner tattoo, lips tattoo and eyelash extensions.
For anyone who wants to visit and get an eyebrow tattoo, please let us know! We will help you to book and get 10% discount through us.

Or if you want to learn the tattooing skill, don’t hesitate to contact me! I’ll help you with translating because Mrs. Ahn apparently doesn’t really speak English.
Well then I hope this post entertained you and also gave a lot of information. Have a nice weekend everybody! ^^


Monday, 18 August 2014

Snapback Caps

Happy Tuesday everybody!
Today we are just going to discuss few little things about snapback caps.
We're pretty sure most of you already noticed that Korean Idols love wearing snapback caps.
Mostly on their stage and photo-shoot but we tend to see a lot of them also wearing it at the airport.
So here are some pictures of them wearing one for the reference!



Pretty IU wearing SNAPBACK


And of course, our beloved JUSTIN BIEBER also wears snapbacks most of the time!

So here are some tips about how to style your favorite snapbacks!

In fact, snapbacks are way too awesome that however you style it, it gives a fun youthful look!
So if you're in a mood of looking sporty and playful, no need to think much about how to style things, because all you need to do is wear something you feel confident in and finish your look with a nice snapback!

(add the edgy-ness to your look with leather skirt!)

Snapback + graphic tee = Playful tomboy look

The stylish head-to-toe BLACK look
(spice up your look with a SUNGLASS!)

Well I guess that's all for today!
Hope you enjoyed :)

Korean Barbecue Restaurant

Hey guys! It’s a brand new week!~^^

Hope everyone is doing well on this awesome Monday!
Well we know all of our stresses are going to disappear once we meet our loved ones after working hard throughout the day! ^^
Now one of other things that could blow your stress out would be ‘eating something delicious!’
And that’s why I’ll be talking about Korean Restaurant today!

So anyone interested in Korean Barbecue?
Well we know Steaks are from Western countries, but you definitely should try Korean Barbecue as well!

The place I visited is called Bong U Hwa Ro which is located in Gangnam station.

Gangnam Station is one of the famous meet up place where people from various places.
In fact, most of the people you see in Gangnam are actually from other places! ^^
Gangnam is more famous for its night culture than day culture, which is why it is very crowded during night time and weekend ^^ If by any chance you visit Gangnam station, I highly recommend you to try Korean barbeque and try and walk through the crowded street ^^
Gangnam station is divided into two places called ground and underground. As most of you might already know, there are a lot of restaurants, cafes and bars in the ground while there are many low-priced clothing shops in underground section.
So then let’s talk about Bong U Hwa Ro!

 It was my beloved friend’s birthday last week, my friends and I had an awesome dinner at Bong U Hwa Ro. We always meet up at Bong U Hwa Ro whenever we meet up at Gangnam Station.
Why? Because other than the fact that the food is great, they give more amount of meat! *giggles* (While the other restaurants provide us with 120g of meat, this place provides 180g!)

We ordered a plum-syrup fermented meat, because they taste a little juicier. They are also much softer than normal meat, the proof is that I tend to swallow it straight away after the second bite! Hahaha.  
So the main menus are in the picture below. All the menus are written in English as well, so you don’t need to worry about selecting the menu ^^
What I recommend is of course the plum-syrup fermented meat (which is 11,5000 won), a bean paste pot stew and barley with assorted mixtures (6000 won).

This is pretty much how it looks like before you start cooking the meat.
And yes, we need to cook our own meat.
So here’s the furnace.

And you wait until it warms up then you start putting the meat on to the furnace.

Once you got all your meat on the furnace, now we add the Bi Bim Bap and basically mix them all!

While mixing add the chilly sauce that was provided with Bi Bim Bap before. Be careful to not burn the meat.

Warning! For those of you who can’t eat pork, you should pay attention while choosing the menu because there are few menus with it! And if there’s any of you who decided to try it, you should make sure it is cooked completely unless you want to let germs enter your body! (Ouch)

So that’s it for today!
Hope you all have an enjoyable week!

Address of Bong U Hwa Ro:

Seoul gangnamgu yeoksamdong 619-14

Friday, 15 August 2014

SNSD Jessica's airport fashion!

Hi semuanya! Ini Grace,
dan hari ini kita mau bahas tentang airport fashionnya JESSICA SNSD!
Nah, siapa yang tidak suka sama gaya dia yg simpel, tapi keren ini?

 Ini adalah salah satu look yang kami suka dari stylenya JESSICA yang cantik!
(Kalau tidak salah ini foto tanggal 13 April 2014)

T shirt yang super edgy ini dari IRO

Rok dari Maison Martin Margiela

Tas yang JESSICA pake itu dari JIMMY CHOO

Sepertinya bukan hanya JESSICA saja yang suka dengan edgy t shirt dari IRO!

Si cantik Ashley Tisdale (foto kiri) sedang memakai clay t-shirt dari IRO dengan celana denim yang pendek.  Kylie (foto kanan) membuat look yang super playful dengan cara menggabungkan warna neon dan t shirt IRO ini. 

Berikutnya adalah style-style JESSICA yang sudah pasti tidak kalah dengan selebritas selebritas barat!

Kalau kita lihat, Jessica sering memakai kombinasi putih + denim.
Atau secara keseluruhan warna-warna hitam putih.

Kadang kalau dia merasa style dia agak simpel, dia menambah poin poin dengan menggunakan accessories seperti tas atau kalung rame.

Yuk, kalau begitu, mari kita coba membuat looks kita masing-masing terinspirasi dari SNSD JESSICA!
Key point dari stylenya JESSICA harus terlihat simpel secara keseluruhan
tetapi semakin kita perhatikan harus ada detail-detail yang seru!

Sekian dari Grace untuk post hari ini;
Happy Friday semuanya!

Thursday, 14 August 2014

URBAN TRAND, salon Korea

Hi semuanya, ini Su Jin!
Aku lebih pilih nge-post pas malam karena merasa males kalau post pas siang hari, hhe

Dalam post ini aku mau bicara tentang tren hairstyle di Korea,
karena kebetulan aku baru dari salon hari ini~

Ngomong - ngomong pas kemarin main ke Indonesia, 
aku nyadar banyak orang Indonesia memiliki rambut panjang!
Kalau di Korea kebanyakan semuanya memiliki rambut pendek!
(Kurang lebih rambut panjang ada 10%, yang sedang 30%, yang pendek 55%, yang hairstyle extreme 5%an lah)
Pokoknya rambut pendek lagi nge-trend banget di Korea!
Sebagai model rambut pendek, ada Go Jun Hee,
aku yakin pasti pengemar we got married kenal siapa dia.

Ini dia Go Jun Hee, si cantik yang badannya juga tinggi!

Ada sih kadang yang bilang aku mirip sama dia.. (ga tau bener apa ga)
mungkin karena rambut aku dipotong sama hair stylistnya dia hehe~
(maaf kalau ada pengemar Go Jun Hee yang tersinggung, lho?)
Go Jun Hee sebenarnya memiliki rambut yang panjang pada awalnya!
Tapi pada saat yang tertentu dia potong rambut!

Dalam post ini kita akan bahas hair-stylenya dia secara lebih spesifik!
Yuk mari kita lihat caranya gimana!

T_T keren ya dia..

Ok, terlebih dahulu aku mau kenalin kalian dengan hair stylistnya dia.

Salon yang aku kunjungi bernama URBAN TRAND.
Meskipun agak jauh dari rumah aku, karena MR.YOON yang memegang rambut ini suppperrr jago aku jadi  salah satu pelanggan disini! hhe
Mr. Yoon paling jago bikin rambut short cut sama wave hairstyle.
Kalau sempet datang ke Korea, coba aja kunjungi tempat itu!
(Cuma tempatnya bukan di Seoul. Asal naik kereta, lumayan gampang kok cari tempatnya. Kalau ada yang mau kirim message ke aku ya!)

Nama asli Mr. Yoon adalah Yoon Bong-Gil!
Sebenarnya dia adalah senior aku pas kuliah, haha.
Gak sengaja dikenalin sama teman, ternyata dia jago banget!

 Dalam salonnya seperti ini! 
Suasananya sangat nyaman dan enak!

Nah, hair style yang aku milih untuk hari ini seperti foto Go Jun Hee yang berikut!

Nih, gaya rambut ini nih! haha

Kurang lebih selama satu jam setengah menit potong rambut,
kita ngobrol-ngobrol juga! (karena emang sudah lama gak ketemu..)
Pokoknya Mr.Yoon ini orangnya super rapi deh!
Dia potong rambut se detail mungkin!
(Dia bahkan memiliki banyak diploma berbagai macam hairstyle lho!)
Akhirnya selesai juga!

Kalau dilihat dari depan seperti ini!
(Rajin ya aku? hahaha)

Lumayan mirip tidak?
(mohon jangan terlalu perhatiin wajah aku hahaha)

Kalau ada yang mau pergi ke URBAN TRAND tolong kirim message ke aku ya,
kalau kalian sebut nama SuJin pasti dikasih diskon!^^

Sekian dari Su Jin! 
Selamat malam!

P.S: Oh iya, L Sistar sudah nge-blog selama satu minggu nih! Haha
Tolong follow blog kita supaya kita lebih semangat nge-post banyak hal! hhe
Kita janji bakal upload banyak yang seru!

Dan kita ada pengumuman yang cukup seru nih!
produk essence 24 MIRACLE yang kami post kemarin akan segera dilaunching di Indonesia!
Kami akan memilih dari salah satu followers untuk memberi hadiah lho!
Makanya jangan lupa follow kita ya! 

Terima kasih!!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

ZOE Cafe & Library

Hi Sistars!
Post kali ini kita mau bahas tempat makan yang ada di Indonesia.

Kira-kira ada gak yang kenal tempat ini?
Ini adalah Zoe cafe and library yang terletak di Margonda Depok.

Zoe adalah salah satu tempat hangout di Margonda yang cukup menarik karena konsep yang mereka miliki sangat unik, yaitu gabungan antara cafe dan perpustakaan.
Pasti yang belum pernah datang penasaran kira-kira tempat ini seperti apa.
Kami juga karena penasaran, langsung masuk deh tanpa pikir lama-lama! 

Mungkin karena jam sore, masih belum ada banyak orang pas kami datang.
Dan ternyata cafenya semacam cafe outdoor. Dalamnya didekorasi seperti kebun dan berkesan cozy.

Perpusnya lumayan menarik juga. Meskipun agak gelap, ada banyak macam buku-buku yang bisa dibaca, bahkan dipinjam!

Ini foto semacam kebun yang ada di tengah Zoe cafe.

Menu di Zoe Cafe ada banyak macam,
mulai dari makanan western, makanan indonesia adapun makanan cina.
Saking banyak macamnya, kami binggung mau makan apa!

Dan ini dua yang kami pesan akhirnya!
Harganya gak terlalu mahal, minumannya kurang lebih 15ribu,
sedangkan chicken cordon bleunya 35ribu.
Kalau mau hangout sama teman-teman kami rekomen datang ke tempat ini!
Lumayan kan, bisa baca buku-buku plus makan yang enak-enak?

Ok, sekian dari L sistars untuk hari ini!
Sampai jumpa besok!